Argh...Head Ache
Monday, February 05, 2007
I got head ache about two days.Today there a few pusingĀ²(around) on my head when i close my eye.It hard to me to do my works. There a few project a need to do. It's hard for me to consentrate.
After took panadol, my eye start to close because they want me to sleep.hhuhuhu..When i gonna do my job done?I'm lucky because i working from home and i'm the boss.No body will scold me to do the work.
It's wonderful to be my own boss.But i need to work harder to make money for my self.If i;m not do my work,there no money for me...That the risk if you want become an entreprenuer. You may work for nothing and don't have any salary sometimes.But i'm making money now.
I'm still not taste that kind of situation.No salary....I'm gonna to update another blog after this.
See you soon!!!
posted by Nawaki's @ 1:27 PM,