My Way of Life

This is my way of life as Malaysian Internet Marketeer. This is my story of my life.

Work at home

Most people still don't know the can work at home. People can create a business from home while sleeping and taking breakfast with your family.I'll give some idea to create your own business at home.

1.Become a writer.
Some of the become problogger. Which is full time blogger.They work just writing at their blog.Their revenue usually from affiliate,advertising,adsense adn many more.Some of them can make more than USD1000 per month.

Promote affiliate program.Some affiliate program give commision up to 75% of their can find affiliate program at affiliate directory such as ClickBank,Paydotcom and many more.

3.Internet Business
you can sold digital produst such as ebook or physical product.It's up to you.You can use or as a platform to sell your product.

You can give service at the internet.Dating site,advice and many more.You also can provide web development service if you got the skill.

5.Post business
You also can create post business.What you need to do is post the pamplate or sales letter to your targeted customer.You can find company that provide Drop Ship.

There many more idea that you can do from your house.Make your home as yoor office.Be your own Boss!!

Good Luck!

posted by Nawaki's @ 11:50 PM,


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